Als der Anwalt Sandy Cohen den 16-Jährigen Ryan Atwood, einen rebellischen jungen Mann aus schwie...
Ryans Beschützerinstinkt scheint Katastrophen zu provozieren. Seths undSummers Beziehung geht den...
Im Jahr 1890 tobt ein harter Kampf um das Minengeschäft in Minnesota. Eine raffinierte Minen-Erbi...
U.S. institutions of higher education must increase their awareness of international student issu...
Supercharge your formative assessment skills and watch student learning soar!Teachers routinely...
Supercharge your formative assessment skills and watch student learning soar with this book′s pro...
Brand-new crime fiction stories from Pete Hamill, Nelson George, Sidney Offit, Tim McLoughli...
Bestselling mystery author George Pelecanos dazzles and terrifies with his first-ever anthol...
MIRACLE IN THE EVENING is the autobiography of one of the most brilliant stage and industrial des...
The first comprehensive general resource on state-of-the-art protocell research, describing curre...
Street violence in Mexico's tourist areas follows a 1990 financial meltdown, brought to life thro...