A book on world-renowned artist Douglas’s monumental photo installation about the 1971...
This anthology of fundamental statements on the essay film offers a range of crucial historical a...
Nora M. Alter reveals the essay film to be a hybrid genre that fuses the categories of feature, a...
The sounds of music and the German language have played a significant role in the developing symb...
The decade from 2000 to 2009 is framed, at one end, by the traumatic catastrophe of the 9 11 atta...
The maverick filmmaker's personal and political relationships with filmBest known in the United S...
This groundbreaking book is an incisive and comprehensive analysis of Harun Farocki’s oeuvre, she...
The sounds of music and the German language have played a significant role in the developing symb...
The sounds of music and the German language have played a significant role in the developing s...
Nora M. Alter argues that the essay film is a hybrid genre that fuses three major categories of f...
Having spearheaded the bourgeoning Nouvelle Vague scene in the late 1950s and developed a distinc...
This anthology of fundamental statements on the essay film offers a range of crucial historical a...