As the 'information superhighway' moves into the home through interactive media, enhanced tele...
As the 'information superhighway' moves into the home through interactive media, enhanced tele...
Consumption is widely regarded as one of the most important phenomena in contemporary society,...
Consumption is widely regarded as one of the most important phenomena in contemporary society,...
Renommierte Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis haben sich zum Ziel gesetzt, bewährte Erfolgstrei...
The mobile, device-led integration of online and offline worlds has introduced many uncertainties...
Transhumanisms and Biotechnologies in Consumer Society offers new, critical perspectives on the i...
Transhumanisms and Biotechnologies in Consumer Society offers new, critical perspectives on the i...
Specialists from business and academia present a meticulously researched, compelling examination ...
Focuses on the growth of mobile telecommunications and mobile commerce around the world. To provi...
Consumption is widely regarded as one of the most important phenomena in contemporary society, bu...