A Poetics of Unnatural Narrative offers a collection of foundational essays introducing the reade...
Erzählen als Arbeit an Brüchen und an Brüchigkeiten
Narratology and Ideology: Negotiating Context, Form, and Theory in Postcolonial Narratives, ...
From its beginnings narratology has incorporated a communicative model of literary narratives,...
Narratologi er teorien om fortAellinger. Forstaet i snAever forstand hAenger narratologi sammen m...
Mirakler finder vi overalt. Alene pa Google er der mere end 55 milioner af slagsen. Vi taler om l...
Sporgsmalet om fiktion er et af de mest omdiskuterede inden for litteraturteori og fortAelleteori...
This book presents new ways of thinking about the historical, epistemological and institutional r...
From its beginnings narratology has incorporated a communicative model of literary narratives,...