Before mother left, in a long-ago time, we had been very rich-. My grandmother had been a great s...
The Habit of Love is a collection of stories about the inner lives of women. Some of these women ...
Sita is one of the defining figures of Indian womanhood, yet there is no single version of her st...
‘A long, long time ago, in the ancient lands of India, known in those days as Bharatvarsha, a fam...
Shiva: Destroyer and Protector, Supreme Ascetic and Lord of the Universe. He is Ardhanarishwara, ...
First published in 1984, to both notoriety and critical acclaim, Paro remains a social comedy wit...
On the ghats of Kashi, the most ancient of cities, a woman confronts memories that have pursued h...
India is shining, and Suresh Kaushal, the stout lawyer -of sober habits', has propelled himself u...
‘मैं घटोत्कच हूँ, मैं राक्षस घटोत्कच हूँ। देव भीमसेन और देवी हिडिम्बी का बेटा। मैं इस पहाड़ और घा...
For some, the Himalaya is a frontier against which to test themselves. Others find refuge and tra...
'The history of women is left to us in folklore and tradition, in faintly-remembered lullabies an...