Signs, artwork, stories, and photographs from the March for Science Movement and community.In Jan...
Rund 200 namhafte AutorInnen stellen den Stand der Sozialen Arbeit in ihrer theoretischen Diskuss...
Pyong Gap Min and Samuel Noh compile a comprehensive examination of 1.5- and second-g...
The difficult and nuanced issue of discrimination - race, gender, ethicity, religion - is the foc...
This book focuses on how Asian and Latin@ immigrant activists for environmental justice in Los An...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 37th Computer Graphics International Confer...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 38th Computer Graphics International Confer...
Plant omics combines a range of cutting-edge molecular techniques that are transforming plant sci...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 39th Computer Graphics International Confer...
A chilling anthology of over 20 stories of cursed and haunted books; featuring malevolent second-...
This 4-volume set of LNCS 14495-14498 constitutes the proceedings of the 40th Computer Graphics I...