In the first installment of The Desiccated, Lia is ensnared in the growing danger that looms over...
A darkened road. A truck-stop diner. A chance meeting.All Marisol Pedilla wanted was to make the ...
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Arab world has undergone a series of radical transfor...
The challenges, joy, and beauty in being Muslim American.Salaam! Or, peace be upon you. What does...
Nadia Hasan showcases her poetic growth in her second book of poetry. From the facets of day to d...
In the first installment of The Desiccated, Lia is ensnared in the growing danger that looms over...
Preeclampsia, a highly morbid disease, affect about six per cent of pregnant women in UK with ten...
The aim of this study is to explanatory the effects of organisational integrity and leadership be...
Conditioning of the zirconia intaglio surface with Hydrogen peroxide or Citric acid solution to c...