Halophytes for Food Security in Dry Lands addresses the concerns surrounding global food scarcity...
The Hingol National Park is the most unique and important national park of Pakistan, because it c...
The indiscriminate use of pesticides is considered one of the important factors that change the e...
In the present study, population status, distribution and environmental impacts on reptiles in th...
Neem is the common name given to the different species of large, evergreen, glabrous shady trees,...
Over the past three decades, Pakistan s Protected Areas system has expended to include 221 sites ...
The use of pesticides and fertilizers has increased rapidly in Pakistan. Pesticide use in Pakista...
Amphibians and reptiles are important elements of our natural biological heritage and known to be...
Marine turtles in Pakistan are protected, either directly or indirectly, through a series of lega...
Animals are very important part of our biodiversity. They are the living part of our colorful nat...
Amphibians are an important part of aquatic ecosystems, and decline of amphibian population is a ...
According to IUCN (2009), there are now 1,677 reptiles species have been included on the IUCN Red...