Expo 67 tient une large place dans notre mémoire collective, mais la nostalgie en fait souvent un...
Though Expo 67 looms large in our collective memory, it is often remembered nostalgically as a re...
Concordia University at 50: A Collective History celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the mergi...
A personal and intimate perspective on one of Canada's most prominent 20th century multidisciplin...
'Other Conundrums,' copublished with Vancouver's Artspeak Gallery and the Kamloops Art Gallery, i...
Monika Kin Gagnon is professor of communication studies at Concordia University. Janine Marchessa...
Known for her expansive multidisciplinaryapproach to art making Vancouver-based Dana Claxton, w...
An imaginative revisiting of Expo 67 by contemporary artists and scholars.
Retour sur Expo 67 avec des artistes et des chercheurs contemporains.