At the onset of the twenty-first century, ‘youth studies’ emerged as a distinct field of inqui...
At the onset of the twenty-first century, ‘youth studies’ emerged as a distinct field of inqui...
The contributors to this book analyse the different approaches and modes of terrorist rehabili...
The contributors to this book analyse the different approaches and modes of terrorist rehabili...
With recent changes in social and political landscapes around the world the focus of preventive c...
With recent changes in social and political landscapes around the world the focus of preventive c...
Critically analyzing the specific security threat posed by COVID-19 to global society, the con...
Critically analyzing the specific security threat posed by COVID-19 to global society, the con...
Aslam and Gunaratna bring together a broad analysis of the responses of states in Asia to the thr...
Aslam and Gunaratna bring together a broad analysis of the responses of states in Asia to the thr...
Atherosclerosis (Salabate Sharaeen) is one of the commonest and most prevalent diseases of the wo...
Beneath air, water is the most important substance for the life of all organisms including human ...