In nearly two decades since Samuel P. Huntington proposed his influential and troubling 'clash of...
One of the world’s leading theorists of nationalism offers a new synthesisIn the history of...
In the history of modern political thought, no topics have attracted as much attention as nationa...
67 texts, including hymns, manifestos, articles or extracts from lengthy studies exemplify the re...
The two main themes of this selection of articles by Professor Hroch are the process of nation fo...
The two main themes of this selection of articles by Professor Hroch are the process of nation fo...
Miroslav Hroch legt in diesem Band Zeugnis darüber ab, wie er aus Sicht eines Intellektuellen, ei...
Miroslav Hroch legt in diesem Band Zeugnis daruber ab, wie er aus Sicht eines Intellektuellen, ei...
Der tschechische Historiker Miroslav Hroch gibt in seinem Buch einen umfassenden Überblick über d...
In the history of modern political thought, no other topic has attracted as much attention as nat...
One of the world's leading theorists of nationalism offers a new synthesis.
Miroslav Hroch, Orta ve Kuzey Avrupada milliyetciligin nasil gelistigini betimleyerek basliyor ca...