Ausgezeichnet mit dem Preis der Leipziger Buchmesse für die Übersetzung von Timea Tank....
Unique in Hungarian literature, at the time of its first appearance in 1935, Towards the One & On...
Considered an eerie attack on realism, when first published in 1934, Miklós Szentkuthy's debut no...
Black Renaissance, the second volume of the St. Orpheus Breviary, is the continuation of Miklos S...
Written between Szentkuthy's first major work, Prae (1934), and the first book of the St. Orpheus...
Considered an eerie attack on realism, when published in 1934, Miklós Szentkuthy's debut novel Pr...
En 1939 un deslumbrante aerolito irrumpió con estrépito en el ambiente literario húngaro. Miklós ...
Renacimiento negro forma, junto con A propósito de Casanova, el díptico veneciano de Miklós Szent...