With shades of Clarice Lispector, Mavis Gallant and Lucy Ellman, this late-period novel by the es...
A deeply eccentric novel about lives and connections—and a cat of course—in 1980s Tokyo: witty...
Indian Summer (Koharu biyori) is the title of a relatively short novel by Kanai Mieko (b. 1947), ...
Housewife Natsumi leads a small, unremarkable life in a modern Tokyo apartment with her husband a...
Tokio in den Neunzigern, manisch flirrende Weltstadt, und Natsumi steckt fest: Ehe, Mutterscha...
The newest addition to Dalkey Archive s Japanese Literature Series is a complex and beautiful tou...
A deeply eccentric novel about lives and connections—and a cat of course—in 1980s Tokyo: witty, o...
The apparently unremarkable Natsumi lives in a modern Tokyo apartment with her husband and two so...