The Children's Day is a literary chronicle of a boy's coming of age in the Free State town of Ver...
Award-winning novelist Michiel Heyns is back with a darkly comic tale. When a young South African...
Combining fact with fiction, novelist Michiel Heyns recreates the society around the celebrated a...
Award-winning author Michiel Heyns returns with another richly textured novel, set in contemporar...
After a thirty-year absence Christopher Turner returns to Paris. He is here to extricate his best...
Set against the background of the struggle for votes for women and the looming tragedy of the Fir...
'The most important South African novel since Coetzee's Disgrace.' - The Times Literary Supp...
Lost Ground is a richly textured novel set in contemporary South Africa. The murder of a beautifu...
After a disturbing phone call, Karl Hofmeyr departs for Cape Town to help his brother, Iggy, who ...
Painter Nick Steyn moves to Cape Town after separating from his partner. A young boarder moves in...
In a London gay bar, a charismatic stranger accosts an editor still raw from his lover's abandonm...
Irreverent, satirical and uninhibited, The Reluctant Passenger is a hugely entertaining and intel...