Esther, une femme d''influence. Une femme qui ose. Laissez son histoire vous inspirer. Esther...
Devenez une femme de courage, de puissance et de force. Reprenez le flambeau d''Anne et devene...
Laissez-vous inspirer par Débora, une femme d''influence! L''Ancien Testament décrit Débora co...
Laissez-vous inspirer par Ruth, modele de courage, de perseverance et de sagesse.Apres l'immens...
Laissez-vous inspirer par Anne, modele de perseverance, de piete et de foi inebranlable ! Ce n'es...
The Old Testament describes Deborah as a mighty combination of judge, intercessor, prophetess, mo...
Every woman is a legend in the making. Legendary women aren’t just those in the history boo...
THERE IS RESTORATION AFTER GREAT LOSS. A broken heart can be mended. And lost dreams can become t...
What is God saying to us TODAY? What does He want to tell the NEXT GENERATION?The world is in des...
What is God saying to us TODAY? What does He want to tell the NEXT GENERATION? In The...
A resilient spirit is born when God makes you wait.In The Hannah Anointing Michelle McClain-Walte...
MANY ARE CALLED, BUT YOU ARE CHOSEN. This book will equip you with prophetic insight and divine s...