Jack is back! Beide Teile der ebenso bombastischen wie knallharten One-Man-Show um den ehemaligen...
'Als fünf Menschen scheinbar willkürlich einem Scharfschützen zum Opfer fallen, fällt der Verdach...
Volker Schlöndorffs Verfilmung der Heinrich von Kleist Novelle Michael Kohlhaas erzählt die wahre...
This book expertly brings together the seminal works in the field, together with editorial introd...
Bringing together leading Jewish historians, anthropologists, sociologists, philosophers and litu...
The Strong Gray Line profiles members of the West Point class of 2004 wh...
Experts report on the latest artificial intelligence research concerning reasoning about reasonin...
Die Beiträge zur Altertumskunde enthalten Monographien, Sammelbände, Editionen, Übers...
Experts report on the latest artificial intelligence research concerning reasoning about reasonin...
Essays discuss the terminology, etymology, and history of key terms, offering a foundation for cr...
This book provides valuable insights into the millennial generation and how college stud...
Fun, bright, and playful, Power Pop is a sometimes adored, sometimes maligned, often misunderstoo...