Hypocrisy, witchcraft, murder and betrayal are the recurring themes in The House of the Seven Gab...
This magisterial work, long awaited and long the subject of passionate speculation, is an unprece...
Great Canadian Poems for the Aged Vol. 1 Illus. Ed. dares to go where no book of Canadian poetry ...
Michael Boughn's City is explicit in its celebration of the urban as a pumping heart with archite...
A book of contemplation. Hung up between coming and going. Caught lingering, thinking it through....
Poetry. 22 SKIDOO takes as its playground the junkyard of Modernity. In a contemporary world whic...
Adrift in history and myth, fairy tales and TV, the tedious and the marvellous, you'll find 'Disl...
Poetry. Butt out, Dante. Move over, Milton. Piss off, Pound. Outta the way, Olson. Here comes COS...
Poetry. GREAT CANADIAN POEMS FOR THE AGED VOL. 1. ILLUS. ED. dares to go where no book of Canadia...
Fiction. Edited with an Afterword by Michael Boughn. Primarily known as a poet, H.D. was also a p...
Toronto's David Sanders and Claire Dumont are the Nick and Nora Charles of academia: two ama...