Two Rebels whose Worlds Collide on a Planetary Level.On the fringes of human space, a murder will...
An unexpected challenge was beaten, but not without death and destruction to Erik's and Jia's tea...
Virtutis gloria mercesTranslation: Glory is the reward of valorWhen given power, what would y...
ATLANTICA-the forgotten isle, the glittering gem in the cesspool of humanity's future. Anything y...
Extermination just got a whole lot more fun. The ship took a lot of damage defeating the queen Sh...
A new MMORPG takes the School of Necessary Magic by storm. Everyone is addicted.Except Raine. Bet...
A Venusian floating city might need to be sacrificed to hide secrets.The Conspiracy believes they...
Another planet closer to Earth than Erik's moon gives up its secrets, providing Erik and Jia with...
What happens when a demon yells right in front of a Church?Unfortunately for the demon, Pastor No...
It's just a friendly deck of cards, right?Hardly.Jessica wasn't prepared for the testing which sh...