Fourteen-year-old Preston Craft is organizing a film festival for his school's film club. When on...
In this high-interest novel for middle readers, fourteen-year-old Jenny is looking forward to her...
Leira Auberon has always been ridiculed for her lack of fear and the blood-colored birthmark that...
For fourteen-year-old Callum Silver, seeing dead people is a curse. Forced to live his life surro...
Callum Silver's second summer at Camp Wanagi gets off to a surprisingly good start. Seeing ghosts...
In this high-interest novel for teen readers, Sydney hopes to win a painting competition to pay f...
A group of cousins reunites at a family cottage to help one of them deal with his father's death....
In this high-interest novel for middle readers, fourteen-year-old Jenny is looking forward to her...
When Callum Silver arrives in Greenland for his third summer at Camp Wanagi, the only thing he fe...
Leira Auberon has always been ridiculed for her lack of fear and the blood-colored birthmark that...