A powerful and comprehensive look at disability discrimination and disability hate crimes, offeri...
The thought-provoking essays brought together in Engaging Affects, Thinking Feelings: Social, Pol...
Now, for the first time, a collection featuring 17 widely respected scholars depicts the everyday...
The case studies in this volume show the growth of civil society involvement in natio...
Melanie and Joe Adair have written a story that they hope will inspire not just Baby Boomers, but...
Mindful Social Studies situates the field of social studies education as un...
The case studies in this volume show the growth of civil society involvement in national, regiona...
Civil society plays an increasingly powerful role in the global landscape, emerging as key actors...
Influencer Shawn hats vermasselt: Sein letzter Online-Stunt hat die Fans verjagt und die Sponsore...
Influencer Shawn hats vermasselt: Sein letzter Online-Stunt hat die Fans verjagt und die Sponsore...
Der Tennisspieler Jordan soll sich an einem paradiesischen Ort endlich von seiner Schulterverletz...