This warm, engaging story, which unfolds entirely through the conversation of two adopted sisters...
In this fresh and funny follow-up to the Ezra Jack Keats Honor Book A Crow of His Own, rooster Cl...
Clyde is the new rooster at Sunrise Farm. But he's having trouble fitting in and replacing Larry-...
Clyde is the new rooster at Sunrise Farm. But he's having trouble fitting in and replacing Larry-...
A new, interactive approach to storytime, The Whole Book Approach was developed in conjunction wi...
'April and Mae are best friends (and so are their pets). When they are rushing to get ready for b...
'April and Mae are best friends (and so are their pets). One day angry words are exchanged and th...
'April and Mae are best friends (and so are their pets). When Mae misses a soccer goal, April hel...
'April and Mae are best friends (and so are their pets). When April freezes onstage during the ta...
Best friends April and Mae are having a Saturday movie night at April's house: Mae brings the piz...
'April and Mae are best friends (and so are their pets). When April plans a backyard sleepover, M...