A collection of stories giving a new voice to three characters from Megan Crewe's Fallen World tr...
Sora's life was full of magic-until she discovered it was all a lie.Heir to Mt. Fuji's spirit k...
Sora's life was full of magic-until she discovered it was all a lie.Heir to Mt. Fuji's spirit k...
'You think you have it all figured out, Max, but this isn't your game anymore.'Max Weston knows t...
Kaelyn has proof her father's vaccine works-but the virus has stolen too much from her along the ...
It starts with an itch you just can't shake.Then comes a fever and a tickle in your throat.A ...
First, the virus took Kaelyn's friends. Then, her family. Now it's taken away her home. But she c...
In the contest to keep their magic, the only options may be die... or kill.Each year, the North A...
In the contest to keep their magic, the only options may be die... or kill.Each year, the Nort...
Can they be fearless enough to save the world's magic?Rocío Lopez and Finn Lockwood are finally r...
Can they be fearless enough to save the world's magic?Rocío Lopez and Finn Lockwood are finall...
Magic can heal the fiercest wounds... or cut them even deeper.Rocío Lopez and Finn Lockwood survi...