Die Journalistin Alicia erhält eine Einladung, um über die Zustände in einem Heim für kranke Kind...
Rooted in an international political economy theoretical framework, this book provides unique ins...
Obra, totalmente adaptada a las directrices de Bolonia y cuyo objetivo es cubrir el plan de e...
With articles by Eric Clive, Manuel Rui Moura Ramos, William Duncan, national reports from Austra...
Las multitudes argentinas (1899), de Jose Maria Ramos Mejia, es un estudio de psicologia colectiv...
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung:Diese Arbeit versucht, den modernen, virtuellen Rekrutierungsformen Rech...
In this Festschrift dedicated to the 65th birthday of Marco Antonio Chaer Nascimento, selected re...
Sustainable development encompasses economic, social, and ecological perspectives of conservation...
This volume covers invited papers presented during the La Rabida 2015 International Scientific Me...
The Latin American Ecocultural Reader is a comprehensive anthology of literary and cultural texts...
Internet and Information and Communication Technologies represent the largest network of human on...