Der komplett auf jiddisch gedrehte Film erzählt die Geschichte des Witwers Menashe (Menashe Lusti...
Signs, artwork, stories, and photographs from the March for Science Movement and community.In Jan...
Taken together they explore the roots and legacies of negative theology in Jewish thought, examin...
Competition and cooperation between Japan, Europe and USA isthe key issueof this book - both at...
Features a special section on the Hungarian German Jewish writer and theater director George Tabo...
There is increasing understanding that climate change will have profound, mostly harmful effects ...
This new edition provides a substantially updated, authoritative, critical and yet accessible per...
One of the most prevalent and dangerous American misperceptions is the image of Japan as a facele...
Competition and cooperation between Japan, Europe and USA isthe key issueof this book - both at...
One of the most prevalent and dangerous American misperceptions is the image of Japan as a facele...