Von süß bis pikant präsentieren Margarete Greßl und Martin Bichler die ganze Fülle und Vielfalt v...
Der 'Eisgruber': Speziell für den Berater, der nicht schon alles über Umwandlungen weiß!Der 'Eisg...
Europa rühmt sich seiner vielen Kulturen und nicht zu Unrecht. Wer über Grenzen späht merkt aber ...
During the past few years, determining the “value of IT” has ranked high on the agenda of IT mana...
Dynamic pricing and on-line auctions are emerging as the preferred models for e-business. This mu...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Jura - Zivilrecht Handelsrecht, Gesellschaftsrec...
Following the successful PCS Auction conducted by the US Federal Communications Commission in 199...
The digital economy led to many new services where supply is matched with demand for various type...
The digital economy led to many new services where supply is matched with demand for various type...
Although only a few years old, electronic commerce offers new ways of doing business that no busi...