In this collection of crime stories, readers will be delighted to find Dr. Patrick Grant making a...
Following retirement, Marigold Darwin returns to her home village determined to purchase a house....
Peaceful Mickleburgh is the perfect English market town - or so it seems. In fact, it is a perfec...
What secret could be so terrible that a mother would endure years of abuse to keep it concealed?S...
Dr. Patrick Grant does not believe that Felix Lomax died accidentally. The unfortunate Lomax was ...
This is a case of the chance meeting of two people, known to each other, who have both assumed fa...
Alan Parker cannot bring himself to tell his wife that he has lost his job. Each day he goes off ...
Philip Winter has no other option but to fake his own death - his life as he knows it is over. A ...
Imagine an old lady who was hated because of her arrogance and cruelty towards her children, and ...
Sam Irwin, actor, is found dead in the River Thames. It appears to be suicide. But why should he ...
Sam Irwin, actor, is found dead in the River Thames. It appears to be suicide. But why should he ...