This bundle presents the entire Quest Biography series of thirty-five volumes in a special collec...
Presenting ten titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada's h...
Writer, activist, and politician Nellie McLung (1873-1951) was a strong and effective voice for t...
This bundle of titles in the Quest Biography series presents a variety of influential Canadian li...
A small-town Bill Clinton look-alike agonizes over whether to accept a tempting offer from the CI...
This bundle of titles in the Quest Biography series entertainingly presents a variety of influent...
A strong voice for the womens movement, writer and politician Nellie McLungs court challenge i...
A yellowed newspaper clipping about a recently released prisoner who has saved a drowning boy tri...
Body Trade weaves together two stories of survival. The main narrative follows Rosie and Tanya, t...
This is the story of Makerere College from its inception in 1922.
-Piraten im Karibischen Meer:Florida 1840: Captain Jack Stuart gerät mit seinem Schiff in Seeno...
A yellowed newspaper clipping about a recently released prisoner who has saved a drowning boy tri...