Lee Maracle, autochtone d’origine Sto:lo, est née en Colombie-Britannique en 1950. DansMy Con...
Cette anthologie est une plongée dans la culture et dans l’imaginaire des Premières Nations, d...
L’épidémie de grippe asiatique des années 1950 atteint la Colombie-Britannique et ravage la commu...
Il y a une certaine impuissance au fait d’être témoin.Plus personne ne vient ici à part moi. O...
My Home As I Remember describes literary and artistic achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Me...
The emotional struggle of an adopted Native woman to acknowledge her birth family. Cast of 2...
My Home As I Remember contains literary and artistic achievements of First Nations, Inuit and ...
Lee Maracle's Bobbi Lee Indian Rebel tells the narrative of an Indigenous woman raised in North A...
Set along the Pacific Northwest Coast in the 1950s, Ravensong tells the story of an urban Native ...
I Am Woman represents my personal struggle with womanhood, culture, traditional spiritual beliefs...
This book gathers together the oratories award-winning author Lee Maracle has delivered and perfo...
Ravensong, Bobbi Lee, Indigenous, aboriginal, Vancouver, Vancouver Island;