Manuel DeLanda is a distinguished writer, artist and philosopher. In his new book, he offers a fa...
In this groundbreaking book, Manuel Delanda analyzes all the different genres of simulation (from...
First published 10 years ago, Manuel DeLanda's Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy rapidly e...
First published 10 years ago, Manuel DeLanda's Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy rapidly e...
Manuel DeLanda is a distinguished writer, artist and philosopher. In his new book, he offers a fa...
In this groundbreaking book, Manuel Delanda analyzes all the different genres of simulation (from...
Philosophical Chemistry furthers Manuel DeLanda's revolutionary intervention in the philosophy of...
Philosophical Chemistry furthers Manuel DeLanda's revolutionary intervention in the philosophy of...
Until quite recently, almost no philosophers trained in the continental tradition saw anything of...
Manuel DeLanda provides the first detailed overview of the assemblage theory found in germ in Del...
Manuel DeLanda provides the first detailed overview of the assemblage theory found in germ in Del...
Until quite recently, almost no philosophers trained in the continental tradition saw anything of...