Focusing on the distinct identities and diverse lived experiences of women in a wide range of cou...
A powerful exploration of the role of women in the Republican Party that enhances readers' unders...
This book addresses the central question of how right-wing women navigate the cross-pressures bet...
This book addresses the central question of how right-wing women navigate the cross-pressures bet...
Focusing on the distinct identities and diverse lived experiences of women in a wide range of cou...
A powerful exploration of the role of women in the Republican Party that enhances readers' unders...
A powerful exploration of the role of women in the Republican Party that enhances readers' unders...
Focusing on the distinct identities and diverse lived experiences of women in a wide range of cou...
This book addresses the central question of how right-wing women navigate the cross-pressures bet...
This book addresses the central question of how right-wing women navigate the cross-pressures bet...