Following the successes of both Beaches and Escape , Gray Malin turns his unique eye to the coast...
Gray Malin is the artist of the moment for the Hollywood and fashion elite. His awe-inspiring aer...
A giftable book of 50 postcards featuring Gray Malin's most popular imagesGray Malin: ...
Welcome to the Parker Palm Springs, where you'll experience a delightful time away, filled with e...
“Gray Malin is renowned for his dreamy photographs from around the world, which would inspi...
From ALONE and TOGETHER to ABOVE and BELOW, Gray Malin's stunning photography shows off opposites...
A colorful journey through the first decade of Gray Malin's vibrant photography careerGray Mali...
A return to Gray Malin's famed aerial beach photography, Coastal celebrates the beaches of the Un...
Bestselling author and photographer Gray Malin's new collection of aerial beach photography, high...
Photographer Gray Malin captures the world's chicest canines in a delightfully playful series of ...
In Gray Malin: Dogs, the New York Times bestselling author and fine-art photographer captures the...
Gray Malins collection of incredible beach photography was a runaway hit. Now the it-photographe...