Die beiden Bauernsöhne Per und Pål stehen unter Verdacht, das Königspaar vergiftet zu haben. Ihre...
Espen, ein mittelloser Bauernsohn, begibt sich mit seinen Brüdern auf ein gefährliches Abenteuer ...
Lillebror ist mit seiner Familie in eine neue Stadt gezogen. Dort fällt es ihm erst mal schwer, n...
Since the 1980s, Ulrich Beck has worked extensively on his theories of second modernity and th...
Since the 1980s, Ulrich Beck has worked extensively on his theories of second modernity and th...
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Tashkent,Uzbekistan, 2-6 October 2001
This textbook offers a new approach to understanding social theory. Framed around paired theoreti...
Since 2008, the world has experienced an enormous decrease of wealth. By many measures the impact...
Since 2008, the world has experienced an enormous decrease of wealth. By many measures the impact...
This textbook offers a new approach to understanding social theory. Framed around paired theoreti...
Universitetet - det er jo kendetegnet af selvstyre, forskningsfrihed og ikke mindst enhed af fors...