Plötzlich Prinzessin? Manju, die Mutter der jungen Ärztin Dr. Mili Chakravarti wünscht sich nicht...
Für viele ist der legendäre Brasilianer Ayrton Senna der beste Rennfahrer aller Zeiten. Dieser Fi...
Engineering Decisions for Life Quality: How Safe is Safe Enough? provides a foundatio...
Deploying the provocative idea of the 'subaltern citizen', this book raises fundamental questions...
This book provides in-depth information on basic and applied aspects of biohydrogen production. I...
In an attempt to instil trust in their performance, credibility, integrity, efficiency, cost-effe...
Much of the psychological research in the last century has been conducted in the global North Wes...
For some time now, scholars have recognized the archive less as a neutral repository of docume...
With the advent of modern tools of molecular biology and genetic engineering and new skills in me...
G proteins are the key regulators for a wide range of cellular processes in animals and plants. I...
Volume B deals with carbon nanotube-based polymer composites, discussing the preparation, archite...