This series is directed to healthcare professionals who are leading the tra- formation of healthc...
This series is directed to health care professionals who are leading the transformation of health...
This series is intended for the rapidly increasing number of health care professionals who have r...
While pre-modern Europe is often seen as having an ''enchanted'' or ''magical'' worldview, the fu...
While pre-modern Europe is often seen as having an ''enchanted'' or ''magical'' worldview, the fu...
CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals represents the largest pr...
How does a nation come to terms with losing a war—especially an overseas war whose purpose is fer...
Wissen Sie, wie Ihr Stationscomputer funktioniert oder wie ein Netzwerk aufgebaut ist? Hier fi...
Transforming Research Methods in the Social Sciences is a comprehensive collation of original ess...
The outcome of the first international conference on David Mitchell's writing, this collection of...
The outcome of the first international conference on David Mitchell's writing, this collection of...
"e;The most important business book of the year"e; - EsquireThere's never been more discu...