It is the first application to nuclear physics from energy-density functional method, for which P...
This book is based on lecture notes for a numerical analysis course designed mainly for senior un...
It is the first application to nuclear physics from energy-density functional method, for whic...
This book studies the challenges of protecting power systems with which large renewable energy po...
In this research, an hybrid approach based on risk management and value engineering has been deve...
Nesta pesquisa, foi desenvolvida uma abordagem híbrida baseada na gestão de risco e engenharia de...
In questa ricerca, è stato sviluppato un approccio ibrido basato sulla gestione del rischio e sul...
In dit onderzoek werd een hybride aanpak op basis van risicobeheer en value engineering ontwikkel...
W niniejszych badaniach opracowano hybrydowe podej¿cie oparte na zarz¿dzaniu ryzykiem i in¿ynieri...
In dieser Forschung wurde ein hybrider Ansatz auf Basis von Risikomanagement und Value Engineerin...
Dans cette recherche, une approche hybride basée sur la gestion des risques et l'ingénierie de la...
En esta investigación se ha desarrollado un enfoque híbrido basado en la gestión de riesgos y la ...