Zur Hochzeit ihrer Schwester kehrt Laura (Penélope Cruz) nach Jahren aus Argentinien in ihr Heima...
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Der Film zur ARD-Kultserie. DArtagnan erlebt sein spannendstes Abenteuer
Le Trouble Deficit de l'Attention avec ou sans Hyperactivite (TDAH) est caracterise par trois sym...
This multi-authored volume contains peer-reviewed chapters from leading researchers and professio...
This book provides a detailed analysis of recent agricultural development in selected...
This book is the first of a two-volume set that constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th ...
This book explains the minimum error entropy (MEE) concept applied to data classification machine...
This book is the second of a two-volume set that constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th...
There has been growing concern that both intensive agriculture in the developed world and rapid e...
Phytomedicines have been playing an important role since the beginning of civilization, curing ma...