Lisa Fishman’s Current follows The Happiness Experiment (Ahsahta, 2007) further into an experienc...
Lisa Fishman’s Current follows The Happiness Experiment (Ahsahta, 2007) further into an experienc...
The fourth edition of an authoritative overview, with all new chapters that capture the state of ...
Lisa Fishman’s latest collection, One Big Time, is a stunning articulation of the author’s “journ...
Lisa Fishman's CURRENT follows THE HAPPINESS EXPERIMENT (Ahsahta, 2007) further into an experienc...
Elegiac, brimming with beauty, and grounded in daily life on a farm. An accessible and sweet docu...
'The shape-shifting realms of longing are fitful setting for local genius. But here, in Lisa Fish...
Elegiac, brimming with beauty, and grounded in daily life on a farm. An accessible and sweet docu...
A wonderfully expansive collection of writings that capture daily practice and attention.
A wonderfully expansive collection of writings that capture daily practice and attention.