When Samuel Godwin, a young and naive art tutor, accepts a job with the Farrow family at Fourwind...
The Shell House is a beautifully written and sensitive portrayal of love, sexuality and spiritual...
Flightsend is Charlie's new home, whether she likes it or not. Her mother sees it as an end to al...
New house, new school, new friends - but Matt Lanchester knows it won't all be that easy when he ...
Full of both inspirational and practical adviceWriting Children''s Fiction: A Writers'' and Ar...
It's a time of change for Josh. He has a relatively new stepdad and a brand new baby sister. But ...
Lucy knew Lob was there, from the way she felt inside. There was a sparking of mischief in her he...
When Hilly’s grandmother becomes ill with Alzheimer’s disease, her family is turned u...
When Samuel Godwin, a young and naive art tutor, accepts a job with the Farrow family at their ma...
Henry has always felt like an outsider and things are about to get worse when his family moves to...
Flightsend is Charlie's new home, whether she likes it or not. Her mother sees it as an end to al...