This bundle presents the entire Quest Biography series of thirty-five volumes in a special collec...
This bundle of titles in the Quest Biography series presents a variety of influential Canadian li...
This bundle of titles in the Quest Biography series entertainingly presents a variety of influent...
Yousuf Karsh emigrated to North America from Turkey in the 1920s, eventually settling in Ottawa. ...
A fascinating glimpse into the world of the man who was Canadas longest serving prime minister...
This bundle of titles in the Quest Biography series entertainingly presents a variety of influent...
This is the first children's biography of the famous Canadian photographer who immortalized th...
Mackenzie King (1874-1950) was Canada's tenth and longest serving prime minister and an important...
This book tells the the story of the famous Nova Scotian classical singers rise to fame. Illustra...
Mackenzie King (1874-1950) was Canada's tenth and longest serving prime minister and an important...