In the ruthless war against monsters, nothing is unthinkable or off-limits for the White Masks. A...
Miranda Mercury, greatest adventurer in this or any other galaxy, is dying, and there's no possib...
Leaving death and tragedy in her wake, a grief-burdened Erica hunts for the terrifying Duplicityp...
Edwin Slaughter is one of the Scarlet Masks, the secret bookkeepers of the Order of St. George. H...
After his shocking discovery of what is actually lurking in the town, Edwin is faced with a choic...
The SCARLET arc of House of Slaughter continues as Edwin's search for a legendary monster goes ho...
Edwin finally comes face-to-jaws with the legendary monster he's been hunting - against all odds,...
After a year since we last saw her in Archer's Peak, Erica Slaughter resurfaces to take on the ca...
After journeying through a watery hell, Edwin finally returns home to the House of Slaughter, but...