Im Stockholm der vierziger Jahre plant der junge Karl-Bertil Jonsson, den Armen der Stadt zu helf...
Im Stockholm der vierziger Jahre plant der junge Karl-Bertil Jonsson, den Armen der Stadt zu helf...
Adnan kommt direkt aus dem Gefängnis - er hat wegen eines Drogendelikts gesessen. Jetzt muss er d...
This book offers a brief but comprehensive overview of the history of sociology in Sweden from th...
Stockholm wird von einer grauenhaften Mordserie erschüttert: Völlig unbescholtene Menschen fallen...
Historians have long been interested in knowledgeits nature and origin, and the circumstances und...
The research on educational history has traditionally focused on its institutional, political and...
The research on educational history has traditionally focused on its institutional, political and...
Historians have long been interested in knowledge - its nature and origin, and the circumstances ...
One of the very first books to explore the role of the social sciences in historical, sociologica...
The history of knowledge is a dynamic field of research with bright prospects. In recent years it...
The history of knowledge is a dynamic field of research with bright prospects. In recent years it...