“A fascinating and unique tale in an alternate reality where being human is a hindrance.K...
In Great Waters is a fictional history both familiar and alien. In Kit Whitfield's stunning reima...
During a time of great upheaval, the citizens of Venice make a pact that will change the world. T...
Lola Galley is used to doing things she doesn't want. She certainly doesn't want to be assigned t...
Everyone knows that if you fall afoul of the People, you must travel the miles to Gyrford, where ...
Jedediah's father walked out of his life forty years ago. Now he's back. He won't apologise, he d...
Set in the past, with a twist, 'In Great Waters' features a race of mer-people--men and women who...
Everyone knows that if you fall afoul of the People, you must travel the miles to Gyrford, where ...
When you live next door to the People, life is never going to be simple - or safe . . . 'As tart,...
When you live next door to the People, life is never going to be simple - or safe . . .
Jedediah's father walked out of his life forty years ago. Now he's back. He won't apologise, he d...
Jedediah's father walked out of his life forty years ago. Now he's back. He won't apologise, he d...