Haunted by representations of black women that resist the reality of the body's vulnerability, Ki...
Western culture has long regarded black female sexuality with a strange mix of fascination and co...
'A powerful visual culture study about the fraught and intertwined relationship between global an...
A powerful examination of the unsettling history of photography and its fraught relationship to g...
Towards the end of her life, Dorothea Lange (American, 1895-1965) remarked that 'all photographs-...
'A extremely memorable and affecting study of elegy - in the form of an elegy itself - delivered ...
Haunted by representations of black women that resist the reality of the body's vulnerability, Ki...
Kimberly Juanita Brown is Assistant Professor of English and Africana Studies at Mount Holyoke Co...
Contributors to this special issue explore feminist articulations of mourning that are anchored i...