Poet Kevin Coval offers both tragedy and comedy in this stirring exposition on the Jewish Am...
A first-of-its-kind anthology of hip-hop poetica written for and by the people.
For hip-hop heads 89 was the peak of the Golden Era and the Crack Epidemic.
Named 'Best Chicago Poet' byThe Chicago Reader, Kevin Coval channels Howard Zinn to c...
A glimpse into the lives of anonymous graffiti artists that asks us to question the true pur...
Kevin Coval and Idris Goodwin pay poetic homage to slam dunk virtuoso Dominique Wilkins, and crea...
L-vis Lives! in this poetic novella on the collision or race, art, and appropriation ...
';Milwaukee Avenue' is Kevin Coval's longest single poem, inspired by Frank O'Hara's ';Second Ave...
Award-winning poet Kevin Coval and graphic artist Langston Allston bare witness to the effects...
A first-of-its-kind anthology of hip-hop poetica written for and by the people.
'L-vis Lives!' in this poetic novella on the collision of race, art, and appropriation in America...
Poet Kevin Coval offers both tragedy and comedy in this stirring exposition on the Jewish America...