So einfach gehts: kaputtgetragene Lieblingsstücke flicken und verschönern.Tipps und Tricks aus de...
Von der Pflanze zum selbst gefärbten Stoff: Alles über die Handhabung von Indigo.Ein faszinierend...
Throwing away damaged, yet beloved, clothes can sometimes be one of the saddest things, b...
Simple Weave opens up the world of weaving beyond gigantic looms and inaccessible pat...
Kerstin Neumüller eröffnet in diesem Buch eine Welt jenseits raumfüllender Webstühle und klassisc...
Discover indigo; one of the most mystical yet widely used dyes in the world. Featuring inspiratio...
A book for anyone who craves making something with their hands - featured in the book are 18 diff...
With this guide to mending and patching, you don't have to say goodbye to your worn favourite clo...
Discover indigo; one of the most mystical yet widely used dyes in the world. Featuring inspiratio...
Simple Weave opens up the world of weaving beyond gigantic looms and inaccessible patterns with 1...