Winner of the Booker Prize in 1985, The Bone People is the story of Kerewin, a despairi...
»Inseln tauchen auf und verschwinden wieder.« Keri HulmeDer Steinfisch ist in der Spra...
They have left me.The door is locked.The room is entirely bare.. . .Lost Possessions, a novella, ...
Te Kaihau | The Windeater was launched at the inaugural New Zealand Arts Festival Writers and Rea...
Dieses Buch ist beseelt von der Mythen- und Symbolwelt der Maori. Es ist ein heftiges, in mehrfac...
The powerful, visionary, Booker Award-winning novel about the complicated relationships between t...
They have left me. The door is locked. The room is entirely bare. . . . Lost Possessions, a novel...
Te Kaihau The Windeater was launched at the inaugural New Zealand Arts Festival Writers and Reade...