Jewish Noir is a unique collection of all-new stories by Jewish and non-Jewish literary and genre...
Ex-NYPD cop Filomena Buscarselathe irrepressible urban crime fighter of 23 Shades of Black and So...
By turns hilarious and gritty, 23 Shades of Black is a kick-ass cop novel with a Latina heroine s...
By turns hilarious and gritty, 23 Shades of Black is a kick-ass cop novel with a Latina heroine s...
Whoever saves a single life saves the entire world . . .In 1592, as the Catholic Church and the P...
As tensions mount between Christians and Jews in Europe at the end of the 16th century, deadly co...
Cuando Filomena Buscarsela, detective privado trabajando en Nueva York, lleva a su hija adolescen...
Cuando Filomena Buscarsela, detective privado trabajando en Nueva York, lleva a su hija adolescen...
Jewish Noir is a unique collection of all-new stories by Jewish and non-Jewish literary and genre...
Ex-NYPD cop Filomena Buscarsela is back. This time, the tough-talking, street-smart Latina heroin...