Despite its recent popularity in literature, theory, and practice, Corporate Social Responsibi...
Despite its recent popularity in literature, theory, and practice, Corporate Social Responsibi...
Africa is on the rise. Enabled by natural resources, commodity trading and the recent discovery o...
Responding to the pressing need of business schools to incorporate sustainability thinking into t...
Using theory, empirical research, and case studies, this book explores the changing nature of bus...
Using theory, empirical research, and case studies, this book explores the changing nature of bus...
Africa is on the rise. Enabled by natural resources, commodity trading and the recent discovery o...
Africa is on the rise. Enabled by natural resources, commodity trading and the recent discovery o...
Despite its recent popularity in literature, theory, and practice, Corporate Social Responsibilit...
Despite its recent popularity in literature, theory, and practice, Corporate Social Responsibilit...
Responding to the pressing need of business schools to incorporate sustainability think...
Using theory, empirical research, and case studies, this book explores the changing nature of bus...