The iconic title story of this collection narrates how Najab defies his father; the international...
Keki Daruwalla Established Himself As A Name To Reckon With In Indian Poetry With The Publication...
For a century the Portuguese had been scouring the seas, collecting maps and sending spies along ...
Twelve years of poemsvigorous, wise and memorablefrom our newest Poet Laureate and giant of India...
A young Seema discovers a cache of letters and papers in a locker belonging to her deceased mothe...
'Over the course of Keki Daruwalla's long career, some things have stayed the same: a vertical vi...
DeScriPtionA towering figure in English poetry from South Asia, Keki Daruwalla has beenadmired b...
Keki Daruwalla uncommon responsiveness to the natural world, and the rare immediacy of his language.