Based on the hit novel series, Kino's Journey now has a beautiful manga adaptation with illust...
'First published in Japan in 2015 by Kadowaka Corporation, Tokyo'--Copyright page.
Based on the hit novel series, Kino's Journey now has a beautiful manga adaptation with illust...
'First published in Japan in 2014 by Kadokawa Corporation, Tokyo'--Copyright page.
Based on the hit novel series, Kino's Journey now has a beautiful manga adaptation with illustrat...
Llen and Fukaziroh fight off waves of enemies in order to actualise Llen's goal of saving Pitohui...
Based on the hit novel series, Kino's Journey now has a beautiful manga adaptation with illustrat...
'So, who's the kid?''My name is...'××××× hesitated for a moment, turning slightly to look back al...
'Not looking forward to her rematch with the trigger-happy Pito, Llenn and her new teammates are ...
'LPFM, named for Llenn, Pitohui, Fukaziroh, and M, will enter the third annual Squad Jam and over...
Based on the hit novel series, Kino's Journey now has a beautiful manga adaptation with illustrat...
Based on the hit novel series, Kino's Journey now has a beautiful manga adaptation with illustrat...